
Ansys 18
ANSYS simulation technology enables you to predict with confidence that your products will thrive in the real world. Customers trust our software to help ensure the integrity of their products and drive business success through innovation.
ANSYS structural analysis software enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) tools available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. You can connect easily to other physics analysis tools for even greater fidelity. ANSYS structural analysis software is used throughout the industry to enable engineers to optimize their product designs and reduce the costs of physical testing.
Student Engineering Simulation Software
Engineering simulation is playing a growing role in science and engineering at the university level. Undergraduate students use it to learn physics principles and gain hands-on, real-world experience that can lead to a deeper understanding of engineering concepts. Postgraduate researchers apply simulation tools to solve complex engineering problems and produce data for their master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.
With the industry’s deepest and broadest fluid dynamics capabilities, ANSYS helps you ensure a steady stream of product and process innovation.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a tool with amazing flexibility, accuracy and breadth of application. But serious CFD, the kind that provides insights to help you optimize your designs, could be out of reach unless you choose your software carefully. To get serious CFD results, you need serious software. ANSYS CFD goes beyond qualitative results to deliver accurate quantitative predictions of fluid interactions and trade-offs. These insights reveal unexpected opportunities for your product— opportunities that even experienced engineering analysts can otherwise miss.
Electromagnetic, Electronics, Thermal & Electromechanical Simulation
ANSYS electromagnetic field simulation helps you design innovative electrical and electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. In today’s world of high performance electronics and advanced electrification systems, the effects of electromagnetic fields on circuits and systems cannot be ignored. ANSYS software can uniquely simulate electromagnetic performance across component, circuit and system design, and can evaluate temperature, vibration and other critical mechanical effects. This unmatched electromagnetic-centric design flow helps you achieve first-pass system design success for advanced communication systems, high-speed electronic devices, electromechanical components and power electronics systems.
Simulation and modeling tools for foundry-certified and most production-proven semiconductor power integrity and reliability solutions.
Increasing demand for smart electronic devices is driving integration and further miniaturization of integrated circuit (IC) technology. Interacting physics arising from shrinking geometries, especially in FinFETs, stacked-die and emerging 3D-IC architectures, result in power integrity and reliability-related design challenges. By simulating electromigration, thermal effects and electrostatic discharge phenomena, you can verify the power noise integrity and reliability of the most complex ICs. ANSYS simulation and modeling tools offer you early power budgeting analysis for high-impact design decisions and foundry-certified accuracy needed for IC sign-off.
Leverage simulation technology with a single platform that unifies legacy tools and custom workflows to help companies transform designs into products.
The ANSYS Workbench platform is the backbone for delivering a comprehensive and integrated simulation system to our customers. Using Workbench for your product development simulations will result in higher productivity from integrated applications leveraging common and compatible data models. Workbench gives you access to multiphysics and systems level insights that could not be attained before. IT organizations realize greater reliability, lower support costs and lower total cost of ownership because our platform addresses the hardware, software and data compatibility problems encountered with using many standalone applications.
Embedded Software
Embedded software is increasingly being used in smart devices, but imperfect code can be the cause of many product failures. Industry leaders estimate that every 1,000 lines of embedded software contain eight bugs. To manage this quality risk, as well as to meet higher standards for software certification, you need to leverage embedded software development tools and certified code generators.
ANSYS provides a model-based embedded software development and simulation environment with a built-in automatic code generator to accelerate embedded software development projects. System and software engineers use ANSYS SCADE solutions to graphically design, verify and automatically generate critical systems and software applications with high dependability requirements. SCADE solutions are highly interoperable and can be easily integrated, allowing for development optimization and increased communication among team members.
Deep, proven solver technology from ANSYS is a given. Applying this solver technology to multiphysics simulation is the next step for many engineers. See below for the range of ANSYS multiphysics offering available to meet your needs.
We live in a world where multiple physical forces are at play, and the products we produce are often subject to many of these physical forces simultaneously. Fluid forces, thermal effects, structural integrity and electromagnetic radiation can all impact performance of products and industrial processes. If you try to isolate the multiple forces in play, you may not get an accurate prediction of behavior. ANSYS multiphysics solutions can help engineers examine these effects in combination and isolation, achieving the highest fidelity solution when it’s needed.
By developing virtual product prototypes you can couple the physical attributes of a product with the systems and embedded software.
As product complexity grows, so does the challenge of integrating the individual components in a system to ensure they work together as expected. Systems modeling and simulation helps you create a complete virtual prototype to understand and optimize the critical interactions between physics, controls and the environment throughout the product development process. Then by combining system modeling with sensors and big data, you can develop a digital twin of your product to manage its performance and maintenance after it has been deployed.
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